Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mistakes Can Lead To Danger

Author's Note: For my prediction piece I decided to change the story up a bit. I did this because I wanted people to see a side of Cody's life that a lot of people don't have. At the end I wanted to put a twist to keep you wondering what happens next. I hope you enjoy this prediction piece about a young boy stealing treasure and a hook. 

Cody Miller looked down at the treasure and hook feeling many emotions. "What have I done?" He thought to himself. A pinch of gilt went through his stomach. "Cody! Where are you?" His mother called. Quickly Cody hid the treasure and the hook. "Hello mother." Cody responded shakily. "We're in luck! Someone had a feast last night and threw a lot away. Your father found the food in the garbage." My mother said with joy. I smiled at the fact that I was actually eating tonight. Grabbing, a slice of bread and a petite chicken piece, I walked to our family room: a room with a table and a couple of chairs. "It's nice to have food tonight." My mother spoke. When suddenly I got an idea. 

After dinner I went to where I hid the treasure and hook then ran to my mom. "Mother! Look what I found!" My mom turned and saw what I was holding. "Cody! No! You must return that to where you found it!" I looked down in confusion.   "Why can't we keep it? We need food mother. We only eat once every two days." She just stood there. "This is Clarence Buchanan's, don't you understand: if we're found with this we could be arrested." I looked at her with frustration. "We can be rich mom! Isn't that what you want?" She teared up and pulled me in for a hug while whispering. "I know, and your father and I are trying, but you need to understand this treasure and hook belongs to someone else." I looked at the items I was holding and anger struck through me as I ran out of my home and into the woods. I could hear my mom screaming for me to come back, but I kept running. I can't believe this I thought to myself. And with that thought, I ran to the one place where I knew someone would want this, the police. 

Change Can Happen

Author's Note: For my character analysis I decided to do the book, A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. It shows the changing of Landon Carter by just one girl. 

Landon Carter from A Walk To Remember, was a cocky bad boy who didn't care about anyone, but himself. His poor decisions made everyone know he was the guy no one wanted to mess with. Landon and his friends went through everything together and caused the trouble throughout the whole story. "I like your sweater" Landon's friend spoke to Jamie Sullivan. She responded quietly saying, "Thank you." With a smile on her face. As Jamie walked away, Landon and his friends mocked her and held in bursts of laughter to be sure she couldn't hear them. It would be hard to believe, but Landon Carter really does change throughout the book, A Walk To Remember

Jamie Sullivan was a sweet girl who always wore the same sweater while holding a bible in her hands. She was an easy target to get made fun of. It wasn't long until Landon and Jamie were properly introduced. "Landon, as your punishment you must be in the spring musical." Landon Carter walked in the drama room and little did he know that one moment would change his life. As time went on Landon began to slowly change by practicing his lines until he could say the lines with perfection. His biggest change was the opening night of the musical. He spoke his line and out came Jamie. She pulled off her cape and Landon was speechless. He finally realized her true beauty and instantly knew he had to have her.

While making Jamie want him as much as he wanted her, he tried everything. After a couple of days, Landon realized how much he cares for Jamie. Landon deals with his friends making fun of Jamie and Landon for having feelings for Jamie. Soon Landon finally gives up on his friends and stops talking to them. When Jamie and Landon finally are dating, Landon changes his ideas for the future by wanting to go to college and being a doctor. "I love you" spoke Landon. After those words everything really did change in Landon's life. He finds out that Jamie is sick, very sick. He takes his life and gives it to Jamie: by constantly only being with her and making her the happiest person. 

Jamie changed Landon's life by showing him there's more to life than being a cocky bad boy. Landon soon fines his way because of Jamie with first wanting to perfect the musical to making a list of 10 things he wants to accomplish before he dies, and most importantly he leaves his friends he's known his whole life. Isn't it amazing how much someone can really change throughout just one book? I know it really amazed me in, A Walk To Remember, how much Landon Carter really did change. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Is Friendship Really Gone?

Author's Note: One day in L.A. I was super bored and decided to vent my feelings about friendship. You might agree or disagree with me on this topic. Leave a comment below about what you think. Enjoy. 

Friendship. What is it really? Trust, honesty, love, are those really the meanings of friendship? They are, but does anyone follow? No. The world we now live in is untrustworthy, the only honesty one can say is rude and wrong. Love, no one takes it seriously, they hurt each other and disrespect. So how can a friendship be real if there are no characteristics to explain the meaning? The answer is, it can't. Real friendship everyone used to have, is now gone. 

Only five years old and the little girls smile at each other holding out their pinkies, "I pinkie swear." Why can't it be this easy? Just a simple pinkie swear means the biggest thing to their friendship! A pinkie swear shows the other I will never tell your secret. Why is it now if I have something to say that I don't want anyone, but one person to know I have to literally get down on my nee and ask for them not to tell anyone. Why can't I just make this as easy as a pinkie swear and know they will never tell? I can't. It's not that simple because what we know call "trust" is nothing.

It seems as if a friendship is more of a competition. You say one thing, the other feels the need to say something better. You ask about what you should wear and your friends respond with telling you to wear something that you know won't look good on you. Why is it that way? If your friend is helping you pick out your outfit you would think they would help you find something to make you look your best. The honesty friends now say to each other goes way to far and hurts. 

Love. It's simple. It's all the characteristics of the good combined, but in love there is also mistakes. It's understandable to make mistakes because you're human and everyone does, but if you're treated like anything I said in my paragraphs your friend isn't using the right version of love. The meaning of a true  friendship is gone. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mr. George Washington

Author's Note: Every year in Language Arts, the 7th and 8th graders get a topic to write about that has to do with The United States. This year the topic was, Founding Fathers. My main topic in my story is George Washington. I start with just a regular introduction, but I then write a letter I would personally give to George Washington. 

Exactly 213 years ago a very important person walked the grounds we now walk. He was one of our founding fathers of America and a hero to all. One of his most known stories was when he chopped down his father’s cherry tree and could not tell a lie. This man was George Washington: the first president of the United States. Everyone knew this man in 1789 as a hero, but now everyone just knows him as the first president. What would you say to George Washington if you got the opportunity to meet him? Personally for me, I would ask him what it was like being the first president. I would also tell him about all the amazing things we use in his name.

Dear George Washington,

As many little kids would joke around with you asking funny questions like, what was it like wearing a wig, or what were your teeth made out of, I would like to stick to the more interesting questions. My first questions is, what was is like being the first president? You know how hard that is? First of all, to be a president in general you need the obvious talents including, being responsible and confident; you also started the first president elections which means you needed to prove yourself and take control of America to show elections would work.

For taking control and being the amazing president you were, people looked up to you for showing responsibility and character. Places all over America are named after you. The United Sates capitol is named, Washington D.C. Another example is, you’re on the one dollar bill and the quarter. People of America are so proud of you for taking control of America and starting the presidential elections that we actually named things after you. If I was you, I would be thrilled.

Many people would like to thank you for everything you have done for our country and for being such a trustworthy man. When you were living, people were very lucky to meet a good man like you. If I could really give you this letter and receive a letter back with real answers, my main questions would ask what it was like being the first president and tell you about the states, cities, schools, and money we now use in your name. Thank you George Washington for being such a superior man for everyone to this day to remember.

From, Skyler

Monday, October 15, 2012

Who Do You Believe Is The Killer?

Author's Note: People one by one dying. No one can trust the person in the same room as them. The week that was supost to be the time of their lives, so turns into a nightmare. Learn the causes and the effects in the book, And Then There Were None, by Cecily Von Ziegesar.

In the book, And Then There Were None by Cecily Von Ziegesar, it's all about people who attend an island called, Indian Island. These aren't just the normal type of people though, every person who's attending this island has a dark past with too many secrets. The main cause is that people are constantly dying one by one. Every day, every night, the island gets more and more suspicious. When only two people are left standing, both the people believe the person left with them is the killer. 

When the cause is the person that is killing everyone on Indian Island, the main effect is the people finding out who the murder really is. Ten people started on the island and after three people are gone people begin to learn their own believes on who really is the murder. Nobody believes the murder is a woman because they don't think a woman is capable of killing other people. They soon loose trust towards everyone, until there is no one left. They never would really know the true killer of the people on Indian Island. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Katniss' Conflicts

Author's note: In reading class we learned a new way of reading a book by finding out the conflicts going on in the book, and how the main character learns to resolve it. I did my conflict and resolving piece on The Hunger Games because I felt there are a lot of conflicts in this book and Katniss, the main character, solves the problems very well. 

In the Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, I noticed a lot of conflicts in this book. I've read this book about four times and it seems to still be one of my favorites. One reason might be that the conflicts pull you in leaving you wanting to know how Katniss, the main character of the book, resolves the problems. Katniss is up against four main conflicts in my mind.  I see her having problem's with the society, nature, people, and herself. I picked society because she doesn't like the way society works. She also has problems with the nature because she has to learn how to use it properly to live in the arena. A big conflict is people because she's up against a lot of people in the arena and everyone wants to win the Hunger Games so people are always trying to kill other people. Lastly, she's up against herself because the Hunger Games a mental game of staying alive and being smart. 

Even though it's a long book with many details and terrifying moments, Katniss learns to resolve her problems. It all starts with the society problem. Katniss learns to not care what people think by ending the Hunger Games with a berry death. Her and Peeta, a boy in the arena, are both the only ones left, but they don't want to kill each other so they both risk their lives by almost eating poison berries. I say almost because the game makes, people in charge of the Hunger Games, stop them and say Katniss and Peeta both win together. Katniss uses nature by helping her eat and she uses fires to keep her warm. For the people conflict, there were a lot of deaths, but that was the only way of winning the games. Lastly, Katniss learned to survive on her own and stayed mentally focused in the games knowing she had to win, and that's exactly what she did. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


Author's Note: Death is a scary word. Sadly for everyone they go through someone's death at least twice in their life. One of the death's my family and I had to go through was when I was only 8. Read my story to hear a depressing, but helping story about my uncle's death. 

In life, there are always those moments that you could replay over and over because they were so amazing, but there are also those moments when you fall apart: everything comes crashing down. It's impossible to be perfect; therefore everyone has depressing moments. I will never forget one of the most depressing moments of my life that shattered my family into pieces. This moment was when my uncle died.

"Your uncle has passed away." My mother said, with tears rolling down her eyes. Since I was only 8, I never really understood the meaning of death. My mother started to ball, her eyes out, as she hugged my father. Brandon, my brother, hugged me while whispering, "He's gone Skyler, forever." Suddenly, my eyes began to water as the words my brother just whispered to me went through my mind. I ran to my room and didn't return for the rest of the night. It was a long night; full of crying, but I thought to myself, if I’m going to cry this much, think how sad I’m going to be at the funeral. 

It was July 17th, the day of my uncles funeral. As I hold on to my mom’s hand, I walk into the building where my uncles dead body laid. Looking around the room it was hard to find familiar faces, when suddenly someone poked me in the back. I turn to see my cousin, Angela, standing behind me. "Angela I'm so sorry about your father." I said while hugging her. She looked at the ground and looked back at me then spoke with a shaken voice, "I'm going to miss him so much." I hugged her again. Angela was the same age as me and I thought about how terrible I would feel if my dad had died when I was only 8.

I walked up to the casket and before me was my uncle's body. Suddenly, everything was real: my uncle was really gone forever. Tears rolled down my eyes as I took one last glimpse at my uncle's body, I would never see him again. It felt as if someone literally stabbed my heart and I was broken. While I was crying, I left the building holding on to my dad’s hand. My dad kissed my forehead and said, “Don’t worry, he’s safe in heaven now. When you pass away you will be able to see him again.” I smiled at the sky and whispered to myself, “Goodbye uncle Wayne.”

When I am remembering about my uncle, the first thing that comes to mind is his death. After a while of sadness, I start to remember the times that matter the most:  the best times with him. Even when someone passes away you have to think of the positive of the times you had with them. The moment my uncle died was a depressing moment for my family, but after a while, we remembered our favorite things about him, which regained us to be a happy and  strong family again.

The Clique Retelling

Author's Note: Mrs. Mundt spoke to our class, telling us that we must make a retelling of a book. She clearly made it obvious that a retelling was not a summary. I did my retelling on a book I have read about 5 times. It is, The Clique, by: Lisa Harrison. 

Claire Lyons was the new girl moving into the coolest girl in schools guest house. She wanted more than anything to be popular and just get along with, Massie Block. She soon fines out Massie will do anything to keep Claire away from her and her friends.Through the torture and schemes, Claire realizes what true friendship is and what trying to be popular can do to you as a person. 

This book goes through hard times, bulling, and plenty of girl drama. It shows that if you want to fit in you have to be something you're not, and it's not worth it in the end. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Author's Note: It's amazing how in one night you can have the best time ever. It was in the middle of July when i went to a concert that indented my brain as the best moment in my life. Read this story to hear about my favorite memory. 

"Skyler, would you like to come to the Train concert with me?" One amazing night all started with that one sentence. It was in the beginning of July when my friend, Michelle, invited me to go see the band Train with her in concert. I was filled with joy! I've gone to plenty of concerts and knew how concerts went, but little did I know what was coming my way. 

The concert was at Summerfest in the Amphitheater. Summerfest is a festival in Milwaukee. It is known to be one of the most popular music festivals in the Untied States and I was more than ecstatic to be able to go watch a band that I looked up too. The whole time while walking around Summerfest I smiled knowing that tonight I was going to be at Train's concert. When we walked to the concert building the lady asked for my ticket, I gave it to her and she spoke, "Wow lucky girl you are. Enjoy the concert." I responded saying, "Thank you." What did the lady mean by saying wow lucky girl? Guess I'll find out later. Michelle and I kept walking forward while Laura, Michelle's sister, and Monica, Laura's friend, walked behind us. When we got into the building the concert was going to be in, Michelle walked all the way  towards the stage. I smiled and said, "Michelle what are you doing?" She glanced at me and responded, "Sky, we're in the third row." Suddenly a rush went through me and I wanted more than everything for this concert to start. 

"I love you Milwaukee!" Pat Monahan, the lead singer of Train, sang, as he approached the stage. He started singing one of my favorite songs by him, 50 Ways To Say Goodbye. This was awesome! Train was literally right in front of me! Michelle, Laura, Monica, and I all started screaming out the words, "My head is paralyzed. My head was over sized. I'll take the high road like I should!" We started doing dance moves to act out the words and we couldn't stop laughing. I screamed to Michelle, "This is the best night ever! How could it get better?" She laughed out, "It can't!" We continued dancing and singing and then came the words from Pat Monahan's voice, "Who would like to come up on stage with me?" 

Suddenly I thought to myself that I wanted too, but I realized I was really shy and would probably freeze on stage. I turned at Monica and started pointing at her. Laura and Michelle followed. "Would you young lady like to come on stage with me?" Pat asked Monica. "I would love too!" Monica responded. Pat started singing and Monica just smiled and sang along. Pat held the microphone up  to Monica's chin and she belted out, "These Bruises make for better conversation." I looked at Michelle stunned, Monica was a phenomenal singer. Pat's mouth dropped open in shock by how beautiful her voice was. They sang the rest of the song together and when the song finished, Pat gave Monica a hug and told her he was impressed by her voice. He also was impressed that she knew all the words. Monica came running off the stage and we all gave her big hugs. She was amazing, but the night still wasn't over. 

While the concert continued Michelle and I kept singing along to the songs and dancing. Michelle poked me and pointed in a direction at the end of the stage. I looked and Pat was walking along the fences that were put up around the concert seats. He was singing, Marry Me, and taking pictures with fans. Michelle and I looked at each other and ran to the fence. He was so close! Then suddenly I froze noticing he was a foot away from me. I started screaming and before I knew it, he was right in front of me. Pat grabbed Michelle's phone and took a picture. Michelle and I ran back to our seats and jumped with joy. It was officially the best night ever.

I remember moments before I even set foot in the concert building I thought it was going to be like any other concert. This night reminded me that even the events you thought would never happen really can. I smile every time I re-tell this story; remembering how incredible it was. I still have moments where I pinch myself wondering if it really did happen, but to me, this story can show you to always remember you will never know what really is coming your way. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

I Fancy British Accents

Author's Note: For class, our teachers gave us the idea to write down three truths and one lie. After reading our truths and lies we picked a truth or lie to write about. My story is about how much I fancy British accents. Do you think this is a truth or a lie?

How come everything sounds so much more intelligent when it’s in a British accent? This is a question I tend to ask myself a lot, but do not succeed to find an answer. It’s like people in the United Kingdom could say the dumbest thing, but it would still sound as smart as a scientist because of their mesmerizing accent.

Not only that, but when people are British they always seem more attractive. Their voices just scream out at you and you instantly fall in love. Believe it or not, but it’s the truth. Look at the band One Direction. Do you really think their just famous for just their music? I mean, their music is phenomenal, but it helps their fame that they’re good looking and have amazing accents. Harry Potter too has a British accent. That is one of my favorite movie series and one of the reasons why it is, is because of their accents. British accents just make me so happy.

If you think of the negatives for British accents you could name a lot too. Like the fact that if I was British, I would probably think American accents were cool. Everyone talks different, but in the end, everyone really has an accent that suits themselves as a person. I hope one day I will meet a very sweet person with a British accent just so when I’m down their voice can cheer me up. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dear Mr. Paul Higgin's

Author's Note: For my writing circle topic my group came up with the idea, complaining. I have wrote plenty of other One Direction pieces and this piece is me writing a letter to the One Directions manager Paul Higgins.

Dear Mr. Paul Higgins,
    Hi, my name is Skyler Bohn and I live in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. I am a true directioner and am very upset for the fact that One Direction has not came to Wisconsin yet. I don’t understand why they go to Chicago then skip over Wisconsin and go to Minnesota. If you haven’t realized, One Direction has already been to Minnesota and Chicago. They have never gone to Wisconsin and we have a ton of directioners here! We, as directioners, are so in love with One Direction here in WIsconsin. We would travel to other states to see these five beautiful and talented boys, but it’s different if they just come to Wisconsin because we want a chance for every Wisconsin directioner to see the boys too.

    My life is One Direction and I spend every day wishing and hoping that someday they will come here to Wisconsin and that I get a chance to meet them. A lot of people probably send you letters saying how much they want you to come where they live, but Wisconsin is different. I don’t know if you know this, but we host one of the biggest music festivals in the U.S. This festival is called Summerfest. People that have came here in the past are, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Nicki Manaj, Wiz Khalifa, Big Time Rush, Kelly Clarkson, Train, and many more. It would be fantastic is in the future we could be able to say that One Direction came to Summerfest. It is during the summer, usually around June or July.

    How come One Direction are going to California and Florida so much? They’re lucky enough to see them once, but when they have a chance to see them twice plus it’s not fair. One Direction has other fans in other states where we don’t even get to see them. It just doesn’t seem right. I know you might be thinking I’m being a little selfish, but I just love One Direction so much and would do anything for them to come to Wisconsin. Please think about what I said and hopefully you except coming to Wisconsin in the future. xx

    From: Skyler Bohn


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Love Has No Meaning

Author's Note: Love, one of the most confusing things in life. In writing circles we decided to write about love. I for one do not believe there is one way to describe love. I hope you enjoy my piece.

Love, it's only four letters, but means the world to someone. It doesn't have one meaning though, it has  a thousand. Every day, every waking minute, you never let go of what you love. Whether it's a boy or  girl, family or friends, love is love and it's always there. Love won't come right away though; it takes time  for you to grow this feeling for someone. You can love things other than people though too. Like I said,  "Love is love, it has a thousand meanings."

 L is for living, if I couldn't live this life you couldn't  be mine.
O is for obstacles, you have your whole life to find who you love. It's not easy.
V is for value, love is priceless
E is for excitement, it's exciting to fall in love.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Dream That Could Only Last Forever

 Author's Note: My writing circle wrote about dreams that we had/wish we could have. My writing was about me meeting One Direction. In my last piece I wrote about One Direction, so if you have any questions about the band, One Direction, read my last piece.

I couldn’t believe the sight right in front of my eyes. This was the moment I have been waiting for my whole life. Right in front of me was the five most gorgeous guys that have ever walked this earth, the five most talented boys, the five most perfect boys. These five boys were One Direction.
As the line got shorter and the time kept ticking, my legs were sore from standing; not even pain would stop me from meeting One Direction. The line moved farther and only three more people until I would meet the boys. Suddenly, I started to shake seeing the boys in person was nerve racking. I walked up to the table where the boys were sitting. The first boy was Liam, I smiled at him and asked him to sign a CD. I told him his girlfriend was lucky to have a nice guy like him. He said thank you. Okay, one boy done, four more to meet. Next was Louis. I suddenly started to shake seeing Niall two seat down from him. Louis looked up at me. “Are you going to say anything love?” he said in his cute British accent. I blushed noticing I was staring off in space. “Sorry Louis, I just love you.” he smiled and signed my CD. “Have a nice day!” I waved bye to him. When I walked over to Zayn he and Niall were talking. Niall spoke very loud and spoke to Zayn saying, “You see that beautiful blonde over there?” Zayn shook his head yes as he glanced at me. Niall continued talking, “I’m going to marry her one day.” I smiled and slowly walked up to him. Words could barely come out of my mouth. He started to talk and took the CD I wanted him to sign from me. He was saying how beautiful he thought I was then asked for my name. I responded by saying my name was Skyler. He walked closer to me and suddenly.....”Time to get up Sky! Schools about to start!” I slowly woke up as I looked around my room. I smiled at myself. What a wonderful dream.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One Band

Author's Note: In this world people obsess with TV shows, sports, and plenty more things. I have gained obsession with a band named One Direction and nothing can break this love I have for them. I will probably never meet them, but I will still love them for their music and personalities. In writing circles my group has decided to write about One Direction so I hope you enjoy my short story on One Direction.

 When you hear the words carrot, superman, or even the name Mary, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  You will probably think of something really weird, but don’t worry, you’re not completely wrong. These interesting words explain my role models, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Niall. Even though all these boys are extremely weird and immature I still will always look up to them from the start to the very end. Who are these people you might ask? They are in the band called One Direction. This band was made on July 23th, of 2010. All of the boys tried out solo on a British show called, The X Factor, which is like American Idol or America’s Got Talent. All of them made it the first week, but didn’t make it all the way to the end. Simon Cowell, came up with a brilliant idea to make a boy and girl band. He took Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Harry and made them into a boy band. The rest was history. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Symbolism Piece

Author's Note: In school we have been told to make a piece about symbolism and I have made my piece on the symbolism in the book, The Hunger Games, by: Suzanne Collins. If you're looking to find a book to help you understand symbolism, I would highly recommend, The Hunger Games.

Symbolism is a practice of showing things by symbols, or by using things with a symbolic meaning or person. To show my understanding of symbolism I have read the book The Hunger Games, by: Suzanne Collins. In The Hunger Games, it shows so much symbolism starting right in the beginning describing how there are 13 Districts in a place called Panem. In Panem it is supposed to be representing the United States in the future; therefore the 13 Districts are supposed to signify the states in America. Another example of symbolism is when Katniss had the mockingjay pin. This pin reminded her of home and her family. Did you know plants show symbolism too? Katniss' sister's name is Primrose. The plant rose stands for love. Katniss loved Prim so much that she volunteered to take Prims' place in the Hunger Games. Another interesting thing is that the name Peeta is a type of bread. Peeta’s family owns a bread shop and I’m guessing the author purposely made his name match what he does. One of the main characters in this book is named president Snow. When I hear snow I think of evil and mean. I also think of an old man with white hair. Another thing for symbolism is a young girl named Rue brought one item into the hunger games with her. The item she brought was a necklace with a star on it. The necklace reminded her of her family because their district was into farming and she made the necklace out of farming items. Lastly, at the end of the book Peeta and Katniss are the last contestants with another person named Cato. The game makers, which are people who control the things that happen in the arena of the hunger games, decided to put these monster dogs in the arena. There are 21 of these monster dogs and there are also 21 contestants that died. I feel as if every monster dog represented each dead contestant. It’s really interesting finding all this symbolism. I never really understood how much symbolism there really is in books and even movies. Going through the Hunger Games and finding symbolism has really made me get a strong understanding of what symbolism really is.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Not All Ideas Can Lead To Success

Author's Note- In social studies we have decided to write an essay on drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I thought about how neat it would be if I could take one essay and turn it in to two different classes. I hope you agree with my decision on weather or not we should drill for oil in Alaska.

"Pushing production out of America to nations without our environmental standards increases global environmental risks." Senator Frank Murkowski wrote this quote knowing that drilling for oil in Alaska was going to be an awful idea. People may agree or disagree with Frank Murkowski and I, but there has to be a day where Americans realize that we don’t have to do everything that the government wants to do. Americans have the freedom to have an opinion on what we believe. I have the belief that we should not drill for oil in Alaska.

In the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, it is a peaceful place for not only animals, but people too. This land was set aside for all animals to live in a calm environment and not have to worry about anyone ruining this land or tearing it apart. Not a lot of animals get to live in a place like this. Think about if you saw baby seals being born on the edge of the ocean shore. After the oil drilling who knows if we would be able to witness such a wonderful moment in this same environment. This concept can also can relate with other animals that live in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. For example, arctic fox and snow owls. Watching an arctic fox prance around in the snow is really an amazing sight. This is another moment that could be taken away from people after the drilling.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge became a land for animals to enjoy in the 1950’s. Since the 1950’s and all the way up to now the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has been a pleasant place for animals to live in. A man and woman named George Collins and Margaret Murie found this quiet corner in Alaska, which is now known as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. They had planned it to be a safe land where animals cannot get hurt. If we decide to drill oil from Alaska, George Collins and Margaret Muries’ plan would not turn out how they have hoped it would. It just wouldn’t be fair to the animals and Inuits who have lived in this land for their whole life.

Did you know that if we would dig for oil, we would gain oil to last us only six months according to the US Energy Information Agency?  The Us Energy Information Agency also shows that after the first six months, the oil agencies would then have to go discover even more oil to dig out of Alaska. Not only would we be destroying the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but if the oil is only going to last us six months and then the oil agencies would have to dig for even more oil, what is the point of even following through on this plan?

People might disagree with me about drilling for oil in Alaska, but why should we have to ruin such a beautiful land? It just doesn’t make sense to me why we would have to demolish one of the most peaceful places for animals to live in this world. Also Americans would only get so little of oil for such a big process. In the end Americans should all agree with me that the oil agencies should not drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Literature or Not?

 Author's Note: It's hard to watch the show "Gossip Girl" and then read the book. People expect the book to be as amazing as the show, but as it turns out the book is poor. I thought I could connect my life to this book, but I live nothing like any of these characters.

What do you think proper literature is? To me, proper literature is a story or book where you ask why someone did something; it keeps you wondering what could have happened instead of what really did happen. Cecily Von Ziegesar, author of Gossip Girl, does not write proper literature and needs to improve on her writing.

Cecily Von Ziegesar enjoys writing books that are written for a 5th grade level reader, but the books are  topics for a high school student to read. This author should learn how to write more descriptive words and a better topic to make the book more interesting. Another way to improve her writing is too make a clearer message. Instead of her making the book about teenage students that live in New York, she could have made it more of a mystery where the students are trying to figure out who the gossip girl is. In the book, gossip girl is a website where people send an email to an anonymous person containing information on what they think students are doing. It is a hurtful website that everyone hates. In the end it would have been an excellent book if they were trying to find out who gossip girl was.

This author also writes a series named, The Clique. The Clique is about young girls who live a rich life and are used to getting everything they want. In this book, Cecily Von Ziegesar makes a phenomenal picture on what the characters look and act like, where in Gossip Girl she is not very expressive on the graphical image of the characters.

Even though I had a lot of dislikes on this book, I still had parts that I enjoyed very much. For example, when I was reading this book in the beginning, I really loved how the author explained every characters past so I wasn’t confused on their background. Another part I was pleased about was how Jenny, a freshman, wasn’t afraid in the end to stick up to the “mean” girls. This reminded me of the movie “The Clique” where a character named Claire never stopped being herself; she showed everyone that it didn’t matter what other people thought of her. These two girls really remind me of each other.

The author of the Gossip Girl series, Cecily Von Ziegesar,is great at coming up with exciting plots and enchanting romances, but when it comes to her word choice she is very lacking. Her stories bring you in; you connect to them from the first word to the very last. These books are things that happen in the real world. She is a genius when it comes to finding ideas and creating stories, but she just doesn't write literature to the same way she comes up with mind-blowing thoughts.

Oh Cal

Author's Note: We ran to his backyard and climbed our favorite tree. He and I were only five years old. 
"Cal I like you."
"I like you too Jenna"
From that day on, we have pinkie promised to always love each other and let nothing get in our way. 

I don’t understand what I did wrong. I thought the meaning to love was giving you my everything. You would give me your everything too and together nothing could break us apart. I have never loved anyone more than you. You are my peanut to my butter, my apple to my pie and your even more to me than those silly little quotes. I, Jenna Leslie, promised you it would be different by the time we were older. I promised you we would work out. I promised you that I would always love you. I promised you I would never hurt you. I, Jenna Leslie, have broken my promise.  

I never meant for this silence to turn to agony. Ever since you broken every part inside me I have not been stable. How must you think I can smile and laugh with you when you know I’m damaged. Ever since you told me you didn't want me I can’t handle life. I can’t handle my friends or family. In the end I can’t handle....anything. Don’t you see the harm you have put on my shoulders; for you to think this relationship is a game kills me. It’s like every time I tell you how I feel, you take my heart as a joke. You,Cal, haven’t just broken your promise, you have

Monday, February 20, 2012


Author's Note- This topic that I choose to write about is very serious to me. People go through bulling everyday. People don't seem to understand how scaring and intense bulling can get. After reading this passage I hope you also feel the same way about bulling.

Depression, hate, loneliness, they’re all the same. No one in this world understands the hurt and torture people go through everyday. This topic has inspired me because one of my best friends is someone who went through these terrifying life experiences. Just the fact that one of my closest peers got made fun of and not included into other friendships really scares me inside. She was in so much pain from just little words that no one thought would hurt her. I wonder how many students go through even tougher times which lead to mental bulling themselves, cutting, and worst of all suicide. There has to be a stop to this agony. People can not go around thinking this is okay any more. This is now the end of torment. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

How Would You Survive?

Author's Note- How would you feel if you were trapped inside an arena and had to fight until there was one person standing? Suzanne Collins makes readers crave the book, The Hunger Games. She leaves all the readers wondering what happens next. The one thing readers always wonder is what they would do if they were in the Hunger Games. What would you do?

The moment I watched my little sister, Prim, walk out on the stage I knew I couldn’t let her go, I knew I had to save her. Without a question, I screamed the loudest I have ever screamed and asked to take her spot in the 74th Hunger Games. Everyone was amazed by the confidence and love I had for my sister. Before I could say goodbye to the ones I loved, a cannon shot; that means the 74th Hunger Games have began. Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games, shows an understanding of how lucky we live, compared to the way the main character, Katniss, lived.

How would you react to being trapped in an arena fighting for your life? While I was reading, The Hunger Games, my mind couldn’t stop wondering what I would do if I was in Katniss’ position. Most people in the United States aren’t even trained to throw a knife. What I mean by that is if we were to have the hunger games here no one would last. In the end, if I was Katniss, I would rather die as myself than in an arena. When you go into the hunger games you train to kill all living things. I don’t know what you think, but the hunger games changes you. This means that you could be the sweetest person, but if you win you could turn into a monster. 

One thing that could remind you of yourself, is an item that you can bring from home. For example, Katniss brought a mocking jay pin. A mocking jay is like a parrot, but instead of repeating what you say, it repeats what you sing. Kaniss brought a mocking jay pin because she got asked to represent it. Some people would bring items like, necklaces and bracelets. I would bring a picture of my family and friends. My friends and family are everything and I would hate to lose them. 

Everyone would have the same reaction to being forced and put into the hunger games; everyone, but Katniss. The only thing Katniss worried about was her family while she was fighting for her life. All the other contenders only cared about living. This is why Katniss is a good role model for teenagers. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and if she’s fighting for anything, it’s her family. Also, she isn’t afraid to stand up for herself. When Hymitch, her friend, would insult her, she would come back with a story or something to say to stick up for herself. 

People go through tough times, but no one can relate to Katniss in this way. In life we have to stop and think about how different our lives are compared to those with no money and other devastating life times. These are the kind of stories where I really realize how lucky of a life I live today.




Tuesday, January 17, 2012

You Gave Me Roses, And I Left Them There To Die

Author's Note- It's beautiful, it's amazing, but it will soon be broken.

Oh so beautiful, so graceful. So soft, so perfect. A rose is the warmth of the heart.  It smiles at you and you fall in love. The color so beautiful, you can’t stay away. It symbolizes the feeling inside me of wanting love. When I see the rose I can feel what it’s like to fall in love. When the rose is dying, I can feel the pain inside my heart. Every peddle falling, leaving the rose to only the last peddle is my heart dying, feeling the torture inside me knowing my love is fading. Love is like a rose, strong and beautiful and slowly it begins to die. Leaving only the memories to love and cherish. When you find love it is amazing and soon it dies. Leaving everything inside you broken.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Live Life, Love Time

Author's Note: Live life as if you were to die tomorrow, because you never know when you're going to loose something important.

I woke up in the morning full of regrets because of my actions last night. Not only have I lost my best friend, but now everyone is going to look at me as the girl who came to party, but left as the fail. I remember the words coming out of my friends mouth, “Don’t go! A party isn’t worth it! Just stay here with me!” I responded with walking away in anger. At that moment I thought my friend was just jealous because I got invited to a party and she didn’t. Now I know she didn’t want me too go because I would get to carried away and screw up my future. I should have listened to my friend. Now my life is ruined.        

This story is a good example of not letting go of the mistakes you made. Even though it was a mistake, you have to learn about  what you did wrong. Messing up is part of life. No one is perfect. If you don’t learn from what you did wrong, how are you ever going to grow into a better person?  Most likely when you get older you’re just going to laugh about it. So, smile when you want to cry, apologize even about something you didn’t do, and just move on because you have a long life to live and you can’t hold onto the past. You have to let it go.                                                   

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

Author's note- I was thinking of an idea of what to write about, and one of my memories came back to me about my old friend. This story isn't all true though, but some parts are. I hope you enjoy this depressing story.

It’s been 120 days, 34 hours, and 15 minutes since the day my mom has left my family and I. She told us it was for the best, but we all know that’s not true. I can’t even remember her sweet calming voice, her beautiful flowing blonde hair. She was perfect. The thing is, no one knows why she left.....except me.
My dad tries to think of the positives of why she left. He tries to tell my little sister that she left for work, or she just needed a break from stress, but the real reason is I saw her kissing another guy. The guy was tall with a buzz cut. He had sparkling blue eyes and a very nice smile. This man looked very familiar to me and then I got it. He was my dad's brother.
I stayed awake all night waiting for my mom to come home, but she never came. The next day she wasn’t home again. She left a message that said, “Hey guys work is running late won’t be home till tomorrow.” Of course, I fell for it because after I got that message I felt bad for my mom and went to her work. She wasn’t there. She was seeing my uncle behind my dads back and he didn’t even know.
The next day I sat down with my mom and told her what I saw. She was so shocked that I knew. After I told her she didn’t say a word all she did was get up and look at my pictures of our family. My mom grabbed the picture of when my little sister was first born. She explained to me about how she and my father fell in love. I remember her voice getting shaky and her expression changing from satisfied to ashamed. Her face fell down as she told me she loved another man. I held back the tears because since I was 14 I knew this was a big problem and I couldn’t cry or she would. I questioned her and told her she had to tell dad and if she didn’t I would. She was so mad! She grabbed me and held me against the wall then screamed at me. When she was screaming at me her grip on my neck got tighter and tighter. I began to get light headed and before I knew it I was passed out on the ground.
When I woke up my father was holding me and my mother was on the other side of me. I asked them what happen and my mom said she was talking to me and I fell to the floor and fainted. I knew that was a lie because a couple of days later the whole memory came back to me.
A week later I told my mom I remembered everything that happened and she denied it. We shouted at each other again and she hit me in the face this time. I will never forget her arm falling behind her head and swinging at my face. As I fell to the floor my little sister started to cry. She saw all of it too. My mom ran at her and who knew what she whispered to her, but all I really remember was my mom slapping her forehead and my sister crying on the ground for hours. My mom ran away that night and we haven’t heard from her since.
After that night my dad asked me what had happened, but I just keep saying nothing. I don’t even care anymore what happened to me or my sister. All I wanted was my family back together. Until I get my mom back the secret is a secret that will never be told.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Laptop For Christmas

Author's Note- I was suddenly put under a tree and wrapped in paper. I didn't know what was going on.

It wasn’t long till I was shipped off with a couple of my TV friends in a big box with wheels on it that spelled out FED EX. I didn’t know what was going on and I didn’t know if I wanted to know what was going on. I remember an old man in a jump suit grabbed me and walked me to a door step. He pressed a button and a loud ringing noise occurred. A young girl with long blond hair and bright blue eyes answered the door and smiled. She grabbed my friends and I and ran upstairs. The next thing I recalled was being wrapped with paper and being placed under a tree. I remember sitting there all night. The paper was so snug that I almost felt claustrophobic. Right when I finally fell asleep I heard running down the stairs and a girl screaming, “Christmas!” She ran into the room I was in and fell to the ground. After that, more people came too. They all reached for something under the tree, and someone grabbed me. I finally saw a light, and right when I could fully see I saw the same girl staring at me. She jumped up and down in joy then smiled at her parents and shouted, “A laptop! For me?” The parents looked at each other and responded saying yes. I watched the family open more present and when they were done they left the room. As I sat there the girl came back and opened me. Her sweaty fingers touched my keys. The first place she took me too was Facebook. I don’t care if Mary and Jack are back together! After she was on Facebook she logged me off and shut me down and now I’m here sitting alone. Hopefully soon she will use me more.