Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

Author's note- I was thinking of an idea of what to write about, and one of my memories came back to me about my old friend. This story isn't all true though, but some parts are. I hope you enjoy this depressing story.

It’s been 120 days, 34 hours, and 15 minutes since the day my mom has left my family and I. She told us it was for the best, but we all know that’s not true. I can’t even remember her sweet calming voice, her beautiful flowing blonde hair. She was perfect. The thing is, no one knows why she left.....except me.
My dad tries to think of the positives of why she left. He tries to tell my little sister that she left for work, or she just needed a break from stress, but the real reason is I saw her kissing another guy. The guy was tall with a buzz cut. He had sparkling blue eyes and a very nice smile. This man looked very familiar to me and then I got it. He was my dad's brother.
I stayed awake all night waiting for my mom to come home, but she never came. The next day she wasn’t home again. She left a message that said, “Hey guys work is running late won’t be home till tomorrow.” Of course, I fell for it because after I got that message I felt bad for my mom and went to her work. She wasn’t there. She was seeing my uncle behind my dads back and he didn’t even know.
The next day I sat down with my mom and told her what I saw. She was so shocked that I knew. After I told her she didn’t say a word all she did was get up and look at my pictures of our family. My mom grabbed the picture of when my little sister was first born. She explained to me about how she and my father fell in love. I remember her voice getting shaky and her expression changing from satisfied to ashamed. Her face fell down as she told me she loved another man. I held back the tears because since I was 14 I knew this was a big problem and I couldn’t cry or she would. I questioned her and told her she had to tell dad and if she didn’t I would. She was so mad! She grabbed me and held me against the wall then screamed at me. When she was screaming at me her grip on my neck got tighter and tighter. I began to get light headed and before I knew it I was passed out on the ground.
When I woke up my father was holding me and my mother was on the other side of me. I asked them what happen and my mom said she was talking to me and I fell to the floor and fainted. I knew that was a lie because a couple of days later the whole memory came back to me.
A week later I told my mom I remembered everything that happened and she denied it. We shouted at each other again and she hit me in the face this time. I will never forget her arm falling behind her head and swinging at my face. As I fell to the floor my little sister started to cry. She saw all of it too. My mom ran at her and who knew what she whispered to her, but all I really remember was my mom slapping her forehead and my sister crying on the ground for hours. My mom ran away that night and we haven’t heard from her since.
After that night my dad asked me what had happened, but I just keep saying nothing. I don’t even care anymore what happened to me or my sister. All I wanted was my family back together. Until I get my mom back the secret is a secret that will never be told.


  1. hahga great ideas, I never would have come up with a topics as creative as yours. I like how your sentences flowed together, they all made sense. Good job and keep up the good work :)

  2. Thanks Madison. You're such a good writer and you really inspire me. I hope soon I can write as detailed and interesting as you.
