Thursday, March 1, 2012

Oh Cal

Author's Note: We ran to his backyard and climbed our favorite tree. He and I were only five years old. 
"Cal I like you."
"I like you too Jenna"
From that day on, we have pinkie promised to always love each other and let nothing get in our way. 

I don’t understand what I did wrong. I thought the meaning to love was giving you my everything. You would give me your everything too and together nothing could break us apart. I have never loved anyone more than you. You are my peanut to my butter, my apple to my pie and your even more to me than those silly little quotes. I, Jenna Leslie, promised you it would be different by the time we were older. I promised you we would work out. I promised you that I would always love you. I promised you I would never hurt you. I, Jenna Leslie, have broken my promise.  

I never meant for this silence to turn to agony. Ever since you broken every part inside me I have not been stable. How must you think I can smile and laugh with you when you know I’m damaged. Ever since you told me you didn't want me I can’t handle life. I can’t handle my friends or family. In the end I can’t handle....anything. Don’t you see the harm you have put on my shoulders; for you to think this relationship is a game kills me. It’s like every time I tell you how I feel, you take my heart as a joke. You,Cal, haven’t just broken your promise, you have

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