Make Moments Last

Author's Note: While reading, Along for the Ride, it was very difficult for me to write an essay telling you how I felt. The main message I got out of the book, was that you only live once so live each moment with no regrets. 

 "You know Auden, you only live once and you should really be making the best of times while you're young." The book, Along for the Ride, really got me thinking about how precious life really is. People don't realize, but time by time we are aging individually. It only takes someone so long to stop and notice that time is ticking 

The main character, Auden, spent her whole life obeying her mom and only worrying about school. You might question me why this is a bad thing, but Auden is a teenage girl. Teenagers are supposed to live life with no limits. When you are in High School it’s your time to just be you and be the way you want to be. A good example of a teenager I know that doesn’t let life get to him is my brother Brandon. Every other day he is usually out with his friend making his life something to remember. Auden didn’t catch on to living with memories until she met different friends to help her realize she only lives once; therefore she has learned how to turn her life around.

"You know, if you don't know how to ride a bike, it's nothing to be ashamed of" Eli said. "I can ride a bike," Said Auden. "I just haven't had the opportunity in a while.” In the title, Along for the ride, Auden knows she never had the opportunity to ride a bike and she’s embarrassed for people to know the truth. This is a big part in the book and it’s really interesting that the word ride in the title could refer to a bike. Auden never rode a bike in her childhood. Her only memories were filled with her mom forcing her to work on her knowledge to increase. The title really does symbolize the theme of what the author is trying to tell a story about. The cover too goes with the title of the book. It shows a young girl on the front of a bike with a young boy pedaling; the bike symbolizing that the boy is taking the girl “Auden” along for a ride.

While reading, Along for the Ride, it felt like I was in my friend Rachel's life. Auden was a shy girl who was very smart. Rachel too is a quiet girl with high intelligence. While Auden is visiting her dad she meets a lovely girl named Maggie. At first Auden didn’t like Maggie, but soon she was starting to notice that Maggie was the only person who was inviting Auden to be friends with her. If it wasn’t for Maggie, Auden would have never learned how to have fun. The deepest connection I had with this book was that I thought of myself as Maggie. My friend Rachel and I didn’t have a lot in common when we first met and one day we just started to be friends. It was interesting reading the author's description about the friendship that Auden and Maggie had because it was a lot like Rachel and I’s friendship.

Auden moved to a new town and met new friends. It’s amazing how much of an impact her new friends had on her by teaching her how to make memories she would never forget. Next time you are having a great moment just remember you only live once and don’t let life get to you, just move on and live each moment with times to remember. Keep in mind that time is ticking too, so make moments last.