Thursday, March 15, 2012

Not All Ideas Can Lead To Success

Author's Note- In social studies we have decided to write an essay on drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I thought about how neat it would be if I could take one essay and turn it in to two different classes. I hope you agree with my decision on weather or not we should drill for oil in Alaska.

"Pushing production out of America to nations without our environmental standards increases global environmental risks." Senator Frank Murkowski wrote this quote knowing that drilling for oil in Alaska was going to be an awful idea. People may agree or disagree with Frank Murkowski and I, but there has to be a day where Americans realize that we don’t have to do everything that the government wants to do. Americans have the freedom to have an opinion on what we believe. I have the belief that we should not drill for oil in Alaska.

In the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, it is a peaceful place for not only animals, but people too. This land was set aside for all animals to live in a calm environment and not have to worry about anyone ruining this land or tearing it apart. Not a lot of animals get to live in a place like this. Think about if you saw baby seals being born on the edge of the ocean shore. After the oil drilling who knows if we would be able to witness such a wonderful moment in this same environment. This concept can also can relate with other animals that live in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. For example, arctic fox and snow owls. Watching an arctic fox prance around in the snow is really an amazing sight. This is another moment that could be taken away from people after the drilling.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge became a land for animals to enjoy in the 1950’s. Since the 1950’s and all the way up to now the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has been a pleasant place for animals to live in. A man and woman named George Collins and Margaret Murie found this quiet corner in Alaska, which is now known as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. They had planned it to be a safe land where animals cannot get hurt. If we decide to drill oil from Alaska, George Collins and Margaret Muries’ plan would not turn out how they have hoped it would. It just wouldn’t be fair to the animals and Inuits who have lived in this land for their whole life.

Did you know that if we would dig for oil, we would gain oil to last us only six months according to the US Energy Information Agency?  The Us Energy Information Agency also shows that after the first six months, the oil agencies would then have to go discover even more oil to dig out of Alaska. Not only would we be destroying the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but if the oil is only going to last us six months and then the oil agencies would have to dig for even more oil, what is the point of even following through on this plan?

People might disagree with me about drilling for oil in Alaska, but why should we have to ruin such a beautiful land? It just doesn’t make sense to me why we would have to demolish one of the most peaceful places for animals to live in this world. Also Americans would only get so little of oil for such a big process. In the end Americans should all agree with me that the oil agencies should not drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

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