Thursday, March 1, 2012

Literature or Not?

 Author's Note: It's hard to watch the show "Gossip Girl" and then read the book. People expect the book to be as amazing as the show, but as it turns out the book is poor. I thought I could connect my life to this book, but I live nothing like any of these characters.

What do you think proper literature is? To me, proper literature is a story or book where you ask why someone did something; it keeps you wondering what could have happened instead of what really did happen. Cecily Von Ziegesar, author of Gossip Girl, does not write proper literature and needs to improve on her writing.

Cecily Von Ziegesar enjoys writing books that are written for a 5th grade level reader, but the books are  topics for a high school student to read. This author should learn how to write more descriptive words and a better topic to make the book more interesting. Another way to improve her writing is too make a clearer message. Instead of her making the book about teenage students that live in New York, she could have made it more of a mystery where the students are trying to figure out who the gossip girl is. In the book, gossip girl is a website where people send an email to an anonymous person containing information on what they think students are doing. It is a hurtful website that everyone hates. In the end it would have been an excellent book if they were trying to find out who gossip girl was.

This author also writes a series named, The Clique. The Clique is about young girls who live a rich life and are used to getting everything they want. In this book, Cecily Von Ziegesar makes a phenomenal picture on what the characters look and act like, where in Gossip Girl she is not very expressive on the graphical image of the characters.

Even though I had a lot of dislikes on this book, I still had parts that I enjoyed very much. For example, when I was reading this book in the beginning, I really loved how the author explained every characters past so I wasn’t confused on their background. Another part I was pleased about was how Jenny, a freshman, wasn’t afraid in the end to stick up to the “mean” girls. This reminded me of the movie “The Clique” where a character named Claire never stopped being herself; she showed everyone that it didn’t matter what other people thought of her. These two girls really remind me of each other.

The author of the Gossip Girl series, Cecily Von Ziegesar,is great at coming up with exciting plots and enchanting romances, but when it comes to her word choice she is very lacking. Her stories bring you in; you connect to them from the first word to the very last. These books are things that happen in the real world. She is a genius when it comes to finding ideas and creating stories, but she just doesn't write literature to the same way she comes up with mind-blowing thoughts.

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