Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Change Can Happen

Author's Note: For my character analysis I decided to do the book, A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. It shows the changing of Landon Carter by just one girl. 

Landon Carter from A Walk To Remember, was a cocky bad boy who didn't care about anyone, but himself. His poor decisions made everyone know he was the guy no one wanted to mess with. Landon and his friends went through everything together and caused the trouble throughout the whole story. "I like your sweater" Landon's friend spoke to Jamie Sullivan. She responded quietly saying, "Thank you." With a smile on her face. As Jamie walked away, Landon and his friends mocked her and held in bursts of laughter to be sure she couldn't hear them. It would be hard to believe, but Landon Carter really does change throughout the book, A Walk To Remember

Jamie Sullivan was a sweet girl who always wore the same sweater while holding a bible in her hands. She was an easy target to get made fun of. It wasn't long until Landon and Jamie were properly introduced. "Landon, as your punishment you must be in the spring musical." Landon Carter walked in the drama room and little did he know that one moment would change his life. As time went on Landon began to slowly change by practicing his lines until he could say the lines with perfection. His biggest change was the opening night of the musical. He spoke his line and out came Jamie. She pulled off her cape and Landon was speechless. He finally realized her true beauty and instantly knew he had to have her.

While making Jamie want him as much as he wanted her, he tried everything. After a couple of days, Landon realized how much he cares for Jamie. Landon deals with his friends making fun of Jamie and Landon for having feelings for Jamie. Soon Landon finally gives up on his friends and stops talking to them. When Jamie and Landon finally are dating, Landon changes his ideas for the future by wanting to go to college and being a doctor. "I love you" spoke Landon. After those words everything really did change in Landon's life. He finds out that Jamie is sick, very sick. He takes his life and gives it to Jamie: by constantly only being with her and making her the happiest person. 

Jamie changed Landon's life by showing him there's more to life than being a cocky bad boy. Landon soon fines his way because of Jamie with first wanting to perfect the musical to making a list of 10 things he wants to accomplish before he dies, and most importantly he leaves his friends he's known his whole life. Isn't it amazing how much someone can really change throughout just one book? I know it really amazed me in, A Walk To Remember, how much Landon Carter really did change. 

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