Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mr. George Washington

Author's Note: Every year in Language Arts, the 7th and 8th graders get a topic to write about that has to do with The United States. This year the topic was, Founding Fathers. My main topic in my story is George Washington. I start with just a regular introduction, but I then write a letter I would personally give to George Washington. 

Exactly 213 years ago a very important person walked the grounds we now walk. He was one of our founding fathers of America and a hero to all. One of his most known stories was when he chopped down his father’s cherry tree and could not tell a lie. This man was George Washington: the first president of the United States. Everyone knew this man in 1789 as a hero, but now everyone just knows him as the first president. What would you say to George Washington if you got the opportunity to meet him? Personally for me, I would ask him what it was like being the first president. I would also tell him about all the amazing things we use in his name.

Dear George Washington,

As many little kids would joke around with you asking funny questions like, what was it like wearing a wig, or what were your teeth made out of, I would like to stick to the more interesting questions. My first questions is, what was is like being the first president? You know how hard that is? First of all, to be a president in general you need the obvious talents including, being responsible and confident; you also started the first president elections which means you needed to prove yourself and take control of America to show elections would work.

For taking control and being the amazing president you were, people looked up to you for showing responsibility and character. Places all over America are named after you. The United Sates capitol is named, Washington D.C. Another example is, you’re on the one dollar bill and the quarter. People of America are so proud of you for taking control of America and starting the presidential elections that we actually named things after you. If I was you, I would be thrilled.

Many people would like to thank you for everything you have done for our country and for being such a trustworthy man. When you were living, people were very lucky to meet a good man like you. If I could really give you this letter and receive a letter back with real answers, my main questions would ask what it was like being the first president and tell you about the states, cities, schools, and money we now use in your name. Thank you George Washington for being such a superior man for everyone to this day to remember.

From, Skyler

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