Monday, February 20, 2012


Author's Note- This topic that I choose to write about is very serious to me. People go through bulling everyday. People don't seem to understand how scaring and intense bulling can get. After reading this passage I hope you also feel the same way about bulling.

Depression, hate, loneliness, they’re all the same. No one in this world understands the hurt and torture people go through everyday. This topic has inspired me because one of my best friends is someone who went through these terrifying life experiences. Just the fact that one of my closest peers got made fun of and not included into other friendships really scares me inside. She was in so much pain from just little words that no one thought would hurt her. I wonder how many students go through even tougher times which lead to mental bulling themselves, cutting, and worst of all suicide. There has to be a stop to this agony. People can not go around thinking this is okay any more. This is now the end of torment. 

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