Friday, May 18, 2012

I Fancy British Accents

Author's Note: For class, our teachers gave us the idea to write down three truths and one lie. After reading our truths and lies we picked a truth or lie to write about. My story is about how much I fancy British accents. Do you think this is a truth or a lie?

How come everything sounds so much more intelligent when it’s in a British accent? This is a question I tend to ask myself a lot, but do not succeed to find an answer. It’s like people in the United Kingdom could say the dumbest thing, but it would still sound as smart as a scientist because of their mesmerizing accent.

Not only that, but when people are British they always seem more attractive. Their voices just scream out at you and you instantly fall in love. Believe it or not, but it’s the truth. Look at the band One Direction. Do you really think their just famous for just their music? I mean, their music is phenomenal, but it helps their fame that they’re good looking and have amazing accents. Harry Potter too has a British accent. That is one of my favorite movie series and one of the reasons why it is, is because of their accents. British accents just make me so happy.

If you think of the negatives for British accents you could name a lot too. Like the fact that if I was British, I would probably think American accents were cool. Everyone talks different, but in the end, everyone really has an accent that suits themselves as a person. I hope one day I will meet a very sweet person with a British accent just so when I’m down their voice can cheer me up. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dear Mr. Paul Higgin's

Author's Note: For my writing circle topic my group came up with the idea, complaining. I have wrote plenty of other One Direction pieces and this piece is me writing a letter to the One Directions manager Paul Higgins.

Dear Mr. Paul Higgins,
    Hi, my name is Skyler Bohn and I live in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. I am a true directioner and am very upset for the fact that One Direction has not came to Wisconsin yet. I don’t understand why they go to Chicago then skip over Wisconsin and go to Minnesota. If you haven’t realized, One Direction has already been to Minnesota and Chicago. They have never gone to Wisconsin and we have a ton of directioners here! We, as directioners, are so in love with One Direction here in WIsconsin. We would travel to other states to see these five beautiful and talented boys, but it’s different if they just come to Wisconsin because we want a chance for every Wisconsin directioner to see the boys too.

    My life is One Direction and I spend every day wishing and hoping that someday they will come here to Wisconsin and that I get a chance to meet them. A lot of people probably send you letters saying how much they want you to come where they live, but Wisconsin is different. I don’t know if you know this, but we host one of the biggest music festivals in the U.S. This festival is called Summerfest. People that have came here in the past are, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Nicki Manaj, Wiz Khalifa, Big Time Rush, Kelly Clarkson, Train, and many more. It would be fantastic is in the future we could be able to say that One Direction came to Summerfest. It is during the summer, usually around June or July.

    How come One Direction are going to California and Florida so much? They’re lucky enough to see them once, but when they have a chance to see them twice plus it’s not fair. One Direction has other fans in other states where we don’t even get to see them. It just doesn’t seem right. I know you might be thinking I’m being a little selfish, but I just love One Direction so much and would do anything for them to come to Wisconsin. Please think about what I said and hopefully you except coming to Wisconsin in the future. xx

    From: Skyler Bohn


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Love Has No Meaning

Author's Note: Love, one of the most confusing things in life. In writing circles we decided to write about love. I for one do not believe there is one way to describe love. I hope you enjoy my piece.

Love, it's only four letters, but means the world to someone. It doesn't have one meaning though, it has  a thousand. Every day, every waking minute, you never let go of what you love. Whether it's a boy or  girl, family or friends, love is love and it's always there. Love won't come right away though; it takes time  for you to grow this feeling for someone. You can love things other than people though too. Like I said,  "Love is love, it has a thousand meanings."

 L is for living, if I couldn't live this life you couldn't  be mine.
O is for obstacles, you have your whole life to find who you love. It's not easy.
V is for value, love is priceless
E is for excitement, it's exciting to fall in love.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Dream That Could Only Last Forever

 Author's Note: My writing circle wrote about dreams that we had/wish we could have. My writing was about me meeting One Direction. In my last piece I wrote about One Direction, so if you have any questions about the band, One Direction, read my last piece.

I couldn’t believe the sight right in front of my eyes. This was the moment I have been waiting for my whole life. Right in front of me was the five most gorgeous guys that have ever walked this earth, the five most talented boys, the five most perfect boys. These five boys were One Direction.
As the line got shorter and the time kept ticking, my legs were sore from standing; not even pain would stop me from meeting One Direction. The line moved farther and only three more people until I would meet the boys. Suddenly, I started to shake seeing the boys in person was nerve racking. I walked up to the table where the boys were sitting. The first boy was Liam, I smiled at him and asked him to sign a CD. I told him his girlfriend was lucky to have a nice guy like him. He said thank you. Okay, one boy done, four more to meet. Next was Louis. I suddenly started to shake seeing Niall two seat down from him. Louis looked up at me. “Are you going to say anything love?” he said in his cute British accent. I blushed noticing I was staring off in space. “Sorry Louis, I just love you.” he smiled and signed my CD. “Have a nice day!” I waved bye to him. When I walked over to Zayn he and Niall were talking. Niall spoke very loud and spoke to Zayn saying, “You see that beautiful blonde over there?” Zayn shook his head yes as he glanced at me. Niall continued talking, “I’m going to marry her one day.” I smiled and slowly walked up to him. Words could barely come out of my mouth. He started to talk and took the CD I wanted him to sign from me. He was saying how beautiful he thought I was then asked for my name. I responded by saying my name was Skyler. He walked closer to me and suddenly.....”Time to get up Sky! Schools about to start!” I slowly woke up as I looked around my room. I smiled at myself. What a wonderful dream.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One Band

Author's Note: In this world people obsess with TV shows, sports, and plenty more things. I have gained obsession with a band named One Direction and nothing can break this love I have for them. I will probably never meet them, but I will still love them for their music and personalities. In writing circles my group has decided to write about One Direction so I hope you enjoy my short story on One Direction.

 When you hear the words carrot, superman, or even the name Mary, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  You will probably think of something really weird, but don’t worry, you’re not completely wrong. These interesting words explain my role models, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Niall. Even though all these boys are extremely weird and immature I still will always look up to them from the start to the very end. Who are these people you might ask? They are in the band called One Direction. This band was made on July 23th, of 2010. All of the boys tried out solo on a British show called, The X Factor, which is like American Idol or America’s Got Talent. All of them made it the first week, but didn’t make it all the way to the end. Simon Cowell, came up with a brilliant idea to make a boy and girl band. He took Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Harry and made them into a boy band. The rest was history. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Symbolism Piece

Author's Note: In school we have been told to make a piece about symbolism and I have made my piece on the symbolism in the book, The Hunger Games, by: Suzanne Collins. If you're looking to find a book to help you understand symbolism, I would highly recommend, The Hunger Games.

Symbolism is a practice of showing things by symbols, or by using things with a symbolic meaning or person. To show my understanding of symbolism I have read the book The Hunger Games, by: Suzanne Collins. In The Hunger Games, it shows so much symbolism starting right in the beginning describing how there are 13 Districts in a place called Panem. In Panem it is supposed to be representing the United States in the future; therefore the 13 Districts are supposed to signify the states in America. Another example of symbolism is when Katniss had the mockingjay pin. This pin reminded her of home and her family. Did you know plants show symbolism too? Katniss' sister's name is Primrose. The plant rose stands for love. Katniss loved Prim so much that she volunteered to take Prims' place in the Hunger Games. Another interesting thing is that the name Peeta is a type of bread. Peeta’s family owns a bread shop and I’m guessing the author purposely made his name match what he does. One of the main characters in this book is named president Snow. When I hear snow I think of evil and mean. I also think of an old man with white hair. Another thing for symbolism is a young girl named Rue brought one item into the hunger games with her. The item she brought was a necklace with a star on it. The necklace reminded her of her family because their district was into farming and she made the necklace out of farming items. Lastly, at the end of the book Peeta and Katniss are the last contestants with another person named Cato. The game makers, which are people who control the things that happen in the arena of the hunger games, decided to put these monster dogs in the arena. There are 21 of these monster dogs and there are also 21 contestants that died. I feel as if every monster dog represented each dead contestant. It’s really interesting finding all this symbolism. I never really understood how much symbolism there really is in books and even movies. Going through the Hunger Games and finding symbolism has really made me get a strong understanding of what symbolism really is.