Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Broken Heart

Author's Note: Live life as if your going to die tomorrow because before you know it the person you love is gone.

I still can’t believe the words of my ex-boyfriend, “It’s over” just can’t seem to sink into my head. It’s been one month since the crazy break-up. We were dating for 3 years, and planning to go off to the same college in a couple of months. Who would have known the guy I thought was the one, was the one who broke my heart instead.
    I remember it like it was yesterday. Riding in the car together blasting the stereo like wild teenagers running away. The laughing, the crying, the smiles, the argues, all of it was real to me. I still remember the look on his face when we were laying next to each other in his car at two in the morning. He gently kissed me and told me he loved me. Is that all it was to him? Just a kiss. Just some stupid words! Thanks Logan. To think I thought this was forever.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Nothing Goes Right

Authors Note= This is not about me, it's just a deep and dark poem.

Nothing was right, Nothing was said,
My mom was gone, It all came rushing to my head,
My life, my friends
My dog, my bed
Everything was gone, and nothing was said.

As I walk down the streets, I cry to my feet,
People are watching me by myself,
But no one seems to care and they watch me pout.
My friends just laugh and walk away,
No one knows how I feel this way,
Depression, alone, hate in myself,
Life is a game and I hate the pain.
Be happy for what you have because I have nothing,
Don’t say you’re life stinks, because soon you will see,
Not everything nor nothing can make you believe,

Life is hate, pain, no succeed,
Life comes crashing down and your life is done,
One mistake, two mistakes, three strikes you’re out,
My life is finished at only 16,
My friends are still graduating and I watch them succeed,
How I wish I could turn the time,
And laugh at my mistakes,
But soon I will lie and everything will be gone,
and I will soon just cry and notice how I died. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Night To Never End

Authors Note- This story will keep you wondering what will happen in the end.

The room was filled with fancy dolled up two faced girls. As the stereo blasts “Sexy and I Know It” Adam, Teddy, Addison, Bell, and I enter the room, instantly all eyes are glued on us. We all look at each other and laugh noticing their outfits and comparing ours and how black splatter paint shirts and jean shorts with leggings isn’t the right look for this dance. The gym was small with lights going everywhere the only thing moving was the ground from the loud music. As we all walked to the front of the party we started to jump up and down and throw our hands in the air. Nothing was stopping us now, the party just got started.
    The more people started to dance the more warm the gym got! Soon the DJ would have to slow the music down. “Hello Doms people! We’re hoping you’re enjoying the dance so far, I know those girls in the cool black shirts are sure making the party come alive! Let’s have a round of applause to them! Also it seems to be getting a little hot in here so let’s slow some things down. Skyler. Skyler would you dance with Rory?” Ooos and ahhs filled the room. As I walked up to the front a shorter bleach blond haired boy was standing there. I smiled and waved. Right when I got up there he grabbed my hand and asked me for this dance. We started out pretty far away, but got closer and closer every moment. He told me I was an excellent dancer which I was surprised about saying I have never slow danced. The song was going to end soon and I needed this boys number! Right when I leaned in closer he spun me around and around and it made me feel like a princess. The song ended and so did the time. I had to be home in 20 minutes and I already lived 17 minutes away. My friends all grabbed me rushing to the door. Rory was left standing there in shock.
    “Wow best night of my life! I danced with a boy!”
“Addison chill! It’s not like it’s the last night!”
“Whatever Adam I can be as thrilled as I want!”
“Skyler, what about your boy? That was pretty cute what he did! Did you get his number?”
“Sorry Adam I’m not in the mood to talk about it.”
“Mrs. Briehlmier, can you take me home?”
“Sure Skyler.”
    As I got home I ran to my room to cry. The guy I had the best night of my life with is gone. Oh no my phone! It’s not in my back pocket! I ran all over the house looking for it, but I never found it! Then it struck me, I must have left it at the dance.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Team Jacob

 Author's note- This is a story about how Jacob is better.

Jennie, who do you like better, Jacob or Edward. Jennie replied as fast as a jaguar, “Jacob all the way!”
“Good, because this is a club about Jacob and if you for some reason like the pale vampire, I’m afraid you will have to leave.”
“Skyler, I like Edward.”
“NO! Molly you must leave! I do not respect the vampires! Wolves all the way!”
While I watched her walk away I ran up the stairs to grab my Jacob pen. It’s sparkly and there’s mini Jacobs all over it.
“So ladies why do you like Jacob?”
Jennie quietly raised her hand. “Well I like him because when Edward left Bella, Jacob was still there for her ever though she picked Edward. Now that is a man!”
“Very good point Jennie. So anyone else have any reasons? I know I do.”
“What’s your reason Skyler?”
    “Well Jennie, if you look at Edward he’s okay, but then when you see Jacob you’re mind instantly falls in love. Not only is he sweet and kind, he has the body of a body builder and a face like a puppy. When he takes off his shirt in New Moon, I’m pretty sure even the vampire lovers wanted Jacob. Not only did he have his shirt off half of the movie, but he did get a pretty cute new hairstyle. So no one fight, no one disagree, because in the end everything is based off of looks so Jacob is the best. End of story.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Everyday Life

 Anthers note- This is about a lady named Marry and what she does.

     There was an old lady named Marry. She has light grey hair and only one tooth. She is as skinny as a tooth pick and as wrinkly as someone who gets out of a hot tub. Everyday at 2:05 she walks to the grocery store and buys some milk and bread. Her and a guy named Rodger wait for little kids to cross the street to give them bread and a glass of milk. After they do that they walk to the park and swing on the swings together. It’s elderly love. It’s quit cute. And they do this every single day.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mistakes Lead to Revenge

Authors Note: This story is about a girl who notices her life flash before her eyes.

It was a cold snowy day. Almost as snowy as the day I lost my best friend, Andrea. We didn’t mean to kill least I didn’t. Some people may say she is just gone, but to me she is always here, and I mean it.
“Andrea! It’s time for you to wake up!”
I looked outside my window, and one look at the snow made me shiver. As I got out of my warm bed, I put on my favorite pink shirt with my blue faded jeans. When I walk down the stairs I made some Eggo waffles and noted that we needed more syrup.
“Andrea! Stop taking your time we have to go!” And that would be my sister Monica. The perfect blond haired skinny girl. Of course she gets all the looks and I’m stuck with chunky thighs and nasty strawberry blond hair. I swear life is never fair!
When we pulled up to the school, all my friends came rushing up to me like they had a big secret to tell me. “Andrea did you hear Zac Findel likes you!” Exclaimed my best friend Maria. “I asked him last night and he said he would so totally go out with you!”
    “ like Zac?” Oh my gosh I forgot about Kathryn! Kathryn Evergreen is a tall blond (kind of looks like my sister). She hangs out with us, but I don’t really like talking to her because she always gets her way.
“Sorry Kathryn I totally forgot you liked him” That sounded good right? I mean how else do I say it? Oh crap she’s walking away like she’s so angry. “Ignore her!” Shouted Maria. “She can’t get everything she wants!” Maria screamed that almost like Kathryn was meant to hear it but, I guess she needed to hear that soon or later.
    “How was school to day Andrea?” I wanted to answer amazing, outstanding, fa nominal but for some reason I felt terrible. I know Kathryn always gets what she wants but, maybe it’s just better that way.
“It was okay mom.” As I ran up to my room I noticed a red jacket in my backyard. Almost like the one Kathryn was wearing today. “Mom is someone in the backyard?” No one answered. Hmm maybe I should go see what’s going on. I grabbed my Northface and walked outside.
On the corner of my eye I noticed a movement. A breeze struck me. And there was another one after that. “Hello? Who’s out there?” Well it’s probably just my mind playing tricks on me. As I walk to the back door this is for real. I feel eyes staring me down. I tried to turn around but before I had a chance someone grabbed me and pulled my hair as hard as they could. “STOP IT!! HELP HELP! SOMEONE!” I tried to scream as loud as I could but, the louder I screamed the more they pulled. Finally the person whispered in my ear, “Stop yelling! If you yell I will...I will ummm Kill you! Yeah that’s it I will kill you!” After they said that I heard giggling in the background. I howllerd, “You guys this isn’t funny stop joking around!” I heard a pause.”Okay fine!” I should have known it was Kathryn, Maria, and all my other friends! Maria smiled at me and said, “Haha we scared you good!” Well of course they scared me good! I didn’t say anything back. I was frustrated at them! “Oh come on! It was a joke!” I looked at her with tears in my eyes, “A joke? You almost gave me a heart attack! Why would you do that to me?” Her smile started to fade, “You were really that scared?” But, before I had a chance to answer I ran aways balling.
    It was almost time for bed. I hope I can forget about that whole night. Ring Ring! Ring Ring! Who would be calling me at 10 at night?
“Hey. Andrea it’s me. Zac”
“Oh hey Zac!”
“Um look outside your window!”
“Just do it!”
I opened my window and nothing was there. I tried to ask Zac what was going on, but he hung up.
I looked outside my window again. “Zac, are you out there?” I asked again. No one replied. So I decided to just close the window and go to bed.
Right as I crawled into my cozy bed the doorbell went off. Of course my parents had to be out tonight and Monica was at the movies with her boyfriend. I quickly got out of my bed and ran down the stairs.
As I took a deep breath I opened the door. No one was there. I screamed, “What’s going on?” I walked out a couple steps, and I should have never because right before my eyes was Kathryn Evergreen and a knife.
As I woke up, there was blood everywhere and a knife stabbed right in my heart. I saw Maria and Kathryn yelling at each other. I didn’t know what was going on. I walked towards them and smiled, “Guys it’s okay! I’m fine. Can we just go to the hospital so I don’t you know guys?” They just continued to talk like they didn’t see me or something. I slowly turned around and noticed my body still laying on the floor. Oh my gosh. I think I’m....dead.
    It really hurts to sit here all alone watching my friends live their lives. I just wish I could remember everything that happened that night. “Maria, she’s gone! I didn’t mean to hurt anyone! Let’s just say she ran away or something!” Is that Kathryn? Why is she making up lies? Now it’s all coming back to me. Kathryn, the knife, waking up with blood around me. Kathryn was my murder! But, why would she do this to me? Like it matters, all I know is there is always revenge.