Monday, October 10, 2011

If I Had One Day to Live.

Authors Note: This story is all about what I would do if I had one day to live.

I was minutes away from finding out the most important moment of my life. The doctor walked in the room out of breath. He smiled at me and said, “Good evening Skyler. Are you ready to hear the results?” I looked him straight in the eye and grinned while shaking my head. He looked at his clipboard and his smile slightly started to fade. He made perfect eye contact with me and said, “Skyler I’m afraid you have only one day to live” My heart completely dropped! I didn’t know what to say. The only thing I could think of was what I am going to do next. So if you had one day to live, what would you do?
            If most people were going to die they would do daring things like skydiving or climb a mountain but, I’m the kind of person who would want to through a party and hang out with all my friends. My friends mean the world to me so I would have to see all of them before I would die. Another thing I would do is, go to the grocery store early in the morning and spend all my money on food. I would by cupcakes, cookie cakes, cheese its, and chocolate bars.
            After the grocery store I would go to Six Flags Great America. I would ride every single ride there! My favorite ride there is Superman and Raging Bull. So I would skip everyone in the line and ride those rides 20 times in a row. When I finally would get tired of roller coasters I would go to a car shop and steal a ZO1Corvette then drive it home. When I would get home I would show my dad the car and drive him wherever he wanted to go.
            When we would be done driving, I would eat all the food I bought and invite everyone I know over to my house for a party. At the party we would play Just Dance, Mario Kart, and soccer games. We would have so much fun and it would be the best time! When the party is over I would hang out with my family for my last hours of living.
Now it would be hard to do all of that stuff all in one day but, I think I could manage.

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