Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dreaming What Can't be Seen

Author's Note: I'm really trying to improve my descriptiveness in my writing and be able to include some figurative language. This is a piece about a girl with no confidence and is scared of life. Her only desire is to go to Paris. Before she can really taste the true feeling of Paris, it vanishes before her eyes. I hope you enjoy my new piece. Comment below!

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You can smell the freshly baked croissants as you watch the birds sing while flying in the bright blue sky that is always gleaming. Your eyes move to the little houses that stand by each other one by one, with barely any room; noticing the one lovely home that everyone drools over just because of a little window that presents the main beauty Paris can really offer.
You can see the glowing Eiffel Tower right before your eyes. Some can only dream to witness something so stunning, something so exquisite. Paris can make you believe like when you're a kid going to Disney World. Every possibility enters your mind, making you crave more and more of life. When your eyes first make connection with that perfectly tall monument your heart stops. You continue to stare and whisper to yourself, "Wow, this is truly beautiful." You look around wondering if anyone else feels the same way as you. Slowly, but confidently you walk to touch the Eiffel Tower. When you touch the Eiffel Tower all fears fly away. Suddenly, everything becomes a blur. "No!" You scream, but as you sit and fantasize your desire, the image slowly fades, showing your true colors: showing you're not where you want to be.
Waking from your dream, you look forward wanting to see the Eiffel Tower, but there's just the One Direction poster you got for your birthday. You turn your head praying to see the sight of the small buildings, but what stands before you is just a window: a window showing nothing but a tree. Closing your eyes and laying back down, you cry yourself back to sleep wishing you could see that sensational sight again, but with your confidence destroyed you know deep down in your heart you will never be able to witness Paris again.