Friday, February 15, 2013

I Took Her Away, Like She Took Me

Author's Note: In class we were told to write a creative writing piece and I was really excited about this because I love to just write for fun. My story is about bullying, friendship, and it has some supernatural in it. I hope you enjoy. 

Kathryn was her name. She was tall, lean, naturally beautiful; not to mention the perfect little sister. She could dance with so much grace; everyone knew she was gonna be somebody you would want to know  because she was gonna be important in the future. I remember her being happy. I use to think she was so strong: like nobody could brake her. It wasn't long until I was studying in my room for a big math test when I heard a scream. I ran to see what happened: laying on the floor was my 14 year old sister with a knife in her hand and a cut in her neck so big I could stick my hand inside her. There was blood everywhere. I didn't know what to do; I didn't know what to say. All I could do was sit there and watch my little sister die before my eyes. I called my parents and told them to immediately come home. As their car came in the driveway, they ran to see, but before I could explain, my mother fell to her knees and started balling. I've never seen my parents so sad before. My family was hurt and I knew I had to do something. I ran to Kathryn's room and right before my eyes was a letter. 

Dear Kathryn,

You know how were so called "best friends," well I don't want to be friends with you anymore. I just don't get it. Why would I ever wanna be best friends with such an obnoxious, immature, little wannabe like you. I hope you're happy the way we told Charlie you liked him. He laughed by the way: said you were a fat, annoying, loser and no one would ever wanna date someone so hideous. Funny isn't it? How honest he is, I truly admire it. We made-out by the way. That's right, the guy you've liked for years made out with me. How does it feel to have something taken away from you Ms. I'm beautiful and an amazing dancer, well now he's mine, and I never wanna see you again. If you were a good friend you would just leave me alone. I hope you die. 

Love, Maggie

P.S. Have fun not having me in your life. 

Tears were falling as I finished reading the note. It didn't make sense. The day before Maggie and Kathryn were hanging out and everything seemed fine. Then a flashback came back to mind, "Kathryn promise you won't get mad, but I really like Charlie." Kathryn replied to Maggie right away, "Maggie why would you do this to me you know I really like him and I'm waiting for us to finally work out." Maggie looked frustrated, "Well I can like who I want and I like Charlie." That's when I heard them yelling and walked in Kathryn's room, but they smiled at me like nothing happened. I thought everything was okay. I set down the letter and called Maggie instantly. "Hey Maggie, it's Kathryn's sister, Rebecca, can you come over?" Her voice sounded shaky, but she quietly whispered sure.

When the doorbell rang, I went to get it. My mom and dad were in their room crying their eyes out while I was investigating. Maggie looked terrified, but at the same time mad at the world. I asked her, "Maggie what is this note?" She looked at the ground and tears were in her eyes, "I didn't mean it. I was sad, I liked Charlie forever too and she always said she would get him. I wanted him too, you know. She got everything, looks, athletic abilities, everyone liked her, then I was stuck with nothing. I walked in her shadows and I'm sick of it! I want to be something, I want to be somebody!" She stopped and looked at the ground. I waited for a couple of seconds and looked up at her while crying. "Maggie, congratulations, you got what you wanted," but before she could ask what I meant, I motioned her to come in my house. Awkwardly we walked to the kitchen. Laying on the counter was a long black sheet. I lifted the sheet reviling my dead sister. Maggie's mouth dropped open. She looked at me and back at the body, "This isn't funny Rebecca, why are you playing this joke? I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry Kathryn! I don't want you to actually be gone." I looked at the ground balling. Maggie continued, "Please Kathryn, please get up! Stop faking! I didn't want you to actually be gone. Oh my gosh I'm a terrible person, look what I've done." Maggie fell to the ground and balled with me. Our eyes met and she tried to speak, but I walked out the room and the last words I spoke to her was, "My little sister that was so "perfect" is now dead, and this is all because of you." 

Time went on and things got easier, but there wasn't a day I didn't think about Kathryn. People don't understand what bullying is, or how far it can go. What happened to my sister happens everyday around the world and it is not okay. I promised myself to always stop bullying and be there for others who have been bullied. I lost what I loved and this feeling I have inside me is unspeakable. I never want anyone to ever have to go through what my family and I had to go through. 

Maggies point of view-
I starred at the brick wall remembering the date of today: I killed my best friend. Who knew just a few words could force someone to kill themselves. I miss her. I miss everyone. Ever since that day Kathryn died, I never looked at myself the same. I realized bullies go through the hard time too. I may have caused Kathryn to kill herself, but think of the guilt and pain I have to go through myself. My plan didn't work, it was suppose to turn out perfect. Kathryn was meant to leave, not die. I would get Kathryn's dance scholarship, all the boys would like me. None of that happened. Hurting my friend did nothing, but make me a horrific person. Everyone hates me. For a whole year I have been stuck in a mental hospital, but what I did to Kathryn is not right and I'm never going to be the same person I once was, so why should I live? Suddenly a shadow rose from the side of my eye. "Hello?" I spoke, no answer. I quietly got up and walked to the bathroom and I couldn't believe the sight in front of me. I looked at the ground and spoke slowly, "Hello Kathryn."

Happy birthday to Kathryn, happy birthday to you. Today was March 22nd, Kathryn's birthday. She would have been 15, off to regional's getting noticed for her dancing. "Rebecca come look at this!" I heard my mother scream. I quickly ran down stairs and my mother was in shock. She slowly spoke, "Death of Maggie." Everything around me went silent. I grabbed the newspaper my mom was holding and ran upstairs to read it,

News Paper
14 year old Maggie Roads was found dead in her bed waking up this morning. With her being in a mental institute, no one knows how her death is possible. The nurses don't understand . It says about a year ago Maggie wrote a letter to Kathryn Simon explaining her hatred for her and later that evening, Kathryn was found dead. The main concept why this story is so big is a note was found hanging above Maggies bathroom.

I took her away, like she took me. The pain, the hatred, it's all gone, but the main question is, how was I able to do this? How was I able to come back? Don't ask me, but I would recommend to you all to keep your eyes open and to listen like a hawk because I'm walking this earth and no one and nothing can stop me. 
